Friday, September 25, 2009

A Letter to My Sister Shawn Brown (7/12/72 - 9/15/09)

Dear Shawn,

I remember when we moved from Chicago to California when you were a baby. The times I played with you and watched your beautiful toothless grins. You were such a happy baby. As a toddler you loved to chase Poochie (the dog) with a brush and beat her with it but she kept you safe when you tried to run off. I can remember combing your hair and helping you look ever bit as pretty as you were born to be.

As we got older we wore each other's clothes often fighting over who could wear what on a particular day. We used to have races to see who's hair would grow the longest the fastest! When mama went to college we got separated and I didn't get to be around you for a while until I was in high school. Our five year age difference showed it's ugly head but it didn't totally keep us from hanging out. You were the beach bum always hanging out at Port Hueneme Beach getting the tan you so desperately wanted.

As adults our bond became stronger as I once again became your protector. Your choice in men has always been horrendous but then again you would say the same about me! LOL We never did like each other's boyfriends! The best memories I have is you trying to show everyone at Denny's how to drink a blow job (the drink!) and that idiot you chose to go out to breakfast with us asking if we were really sister's and you wrapped your mouth around that coke glass and downed that ice water in one gulp! We got breakfast FREE that night! LOL Your sense of humor rivaled mine in so many ways. I loved your zest for life, your courage and your straightforwardness. You could always say the things I never could and I admired you for that.

The last conversation we had you asked me to send you a picture and I sent you a pic of me flipping you off and sticking my tongue out at you to make you laugh. I know you laughed, I know you just that well. But something in my heart told me that you wanted more than just a laugh, you wanted our bond back. You told me that I needed to come home and be with you and Briana and mama. I was coming home for Thanksgiving.

I guess I waited too long cause you had to go home! I was devastated that I didn't get to see you one last time before you had to leave. I'm thankful that you don't have to endure the pain you were going through anymore. I know that you are up there teaching the Angels the Chicago Step! I'm home my sister. I'm home with your beautiful daughter and I'm helping her cope and teaching her about the wonderful person that were my sister. I love you Brat! You will always be my Brat and now your daughter is Junior Brat! LOL I will miss you with all my heart and soul.
