Wednesday, December 16, 2009

UnEmployment Headache (a poem)

Complicated imagery
Across my faded mind
Unemployed visionary
Going back to ancient times

Dreaming of fantasies
Forgotten goals that bloomed
Waking up to reality
No rent, no heat, depression consumed

Homelessness, hunger
My angry soul cries out
My mind an empty mess
Wasn't my faith devout?

One door closes, then another and yet another
Reality slaps me in the face
Brings thoughts of chills, skills & thrills
Prostitution taking place

So sad to see
How easy my mind creates these imagries
Desperation taking it's place

Praying ernestly
To see the numerous blessing unfolding in front of me
Smile, laugh, put on a good show
Keep the pain in feeling ashamed
No one has to know

What I need is here
Right in front of me
Just beyond my grasp
While everyone wants to ask

Are you sane?
Are you happy?
Can't they see my life is crappy!


I would not show
It's truly no one's business
I need to grow
And remind myself that recovery is on going
There is no one sure way to truly know
My stregnth is the face I continue to show