Monday, July 20, 2009

In Loving Memory

In June Facebook ask if I could say something about my father and I left a message on what I thought. The one person I didn't mention was the incomperable Rev Dr Carlton Lewis Jr. This man is a phenominal Angel that GOD put on this earth to guide and teach to stay on the path that leads to HIM. I first met Rev Lewis in 2005 just before I moved back to California from Maryland. I listened to his sermon at his church (Mount Olive Baptist Church in Dundalk, Maryland) and I was moved and stimulated by the message he had to deliver. The next time I saw Rev Lewis he was in the hospital with a form of gain green (his leg was green from the knee to his ankle) and GOD wasn't ready for his messenger to come home. Rev Lewis recovered fully and was walking without his cane preaching to his congregation about the miracles that GOD performs if you just believe! From our visit together in his hospital room I was inspired to write a story titled "The Special Child". The spirit moved me so powerfully that I didn't come up for air till I was finished writing this story. It just poured out of me like fine wine. When I was done I copied it and gave it to Rev Lewis to read and he was moved to tears.

The next time I came in contact with Rev Lewis was shortly after I moved back to Maryland. I began to go to church and became a member of the congregation. Rev Lewis pulled me into his office and had a long talk with me in which he asked me (very lovingly) if I would do him the honor (and yes he did say the honor) of being his daughter! This time it was me who was moved to tears. He said he spoke with his wife and they both agreed that I needed an East Coast family since I was so far away from my West Coast family. He even went so far as to have me call my mother and ask her permission to become my FATHER! I was in total AWE! A real FATHER! I didn't know how to act. Didn't know what a real father was or how to act with him or talk with him because all I've ever had was my mom. She was my mother and my father and now to have an actual male figure (who is a good man) ask no REQUEST the HONOR of being my father left me speachless. My mom was overjoyed that this man and his wife would want the reponsibility of looking after her daughter's well being and consented without hesitation.

Shortly after DADDY'S request for the job he began to put things in motion. He requested to talk with me in his office and we had a long talk about my life growing up and my relationship with the sperm donor who impregnated my mother. Daddy gave me a hug and told me to trust in GOD and allow him to take over and lead me down the path that I need to follow to be the woman that HE wanted me to become. Daddy went on to tell me that he was there for me how ever I needed him to be as only a REAL FATHER would. For the year and a half that he held that job he went above and beyond the call of duty. Providing me with financial, emotional and spiritual assistance at all times. When I needed a hug, he was there to give it. When I needed someone to talk he was there to listen. What more could a girl ask for in a DADDY!

Daddy died today....

GOD called daddy home, he was 82 years old. He had a laugh that could rock your heart to tears with laughter. As I sat in his special chair in his home I could feel his presence laughing, crying, but most of all shaking his head over all the fuss over him. He was the kind of man that was simple and uncomplicated. He could give you the meaning of the bible verse that he quoted then get deep with it all in the same soul searching voice. He was a reverend without being overly religious! Can you imagine that? I LOVE HIM. He was the best daddy a girl could have and I thank GOD for bringing him into my life if even for a short while.

The Special Child

Inspired by Pastor Lewis of Baltimore, Maryland

Jo had a rough morning and lay down to take a nap. As she laid there Louis came into her home and sprinkled a sparkly dust on her face that quickly disappeared as it touched her skin.

“Achoo,” Jo sneezed.

Louis smiled to himself and snuck out of the living room. Jo began to have an unusual dream. She was lying on a hospital bed with her knees up to her chest with Mack standing behind her.

“Push Jo! One last push!” Mack encouraged as he wiped the sweat off her forehead.

“Uhhh!” Jo grunted as she pushed.

The baby slowly fell into the doctors waiting hands. He didn’t make a sound. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was blue from choking.

“What’s wrong? Why can’t I hear the baby?” Jo panicked.

Mack lay Jo down on the bed and walked around to see the baby as the doctors were quickly unwrapping the cord from his neck.

“He’s ok Jo. The cord is wrapped around his neck so he can’t breathe.” Dr. Sweet said as he wiped the baby’s face clean.

The nurse quickly covered the baby’s mouth with her mouth and began to breathe in for him as another nurse was pumping his chest. After a few minutes the baby’s eyes opened as the nurse wrapped her mouth around his. She quickly raised her head and smiled down at him.

“Dr. Sweet, he’s awake.” The nurse said.

The baby looked around but still didn’t make a sound. Dr. Sweet lifted him up by his feet and swatted him on his behind. The baby’s eyes opened wide but he didn’t cry. Dr. Sweet turned the baby to face him and the baby frowned as he realized this doctor hit him.

“Hello little man. Are you gonna let us hear those lungs of yours?” Dr. Sweet asked.

The baby continued to stare at him and say nothing. Dr. Sweet turned the baby around again and swatted him on the bottom. Again the baby made no sound but the frown on his face deepened.

“Doctor, what’s wrong with him?” Mack asked.

“Not a thing, he might be mute. That’s hard to diagnose because he’s not opening his mouth just frowning.” Dr. Sweet said.

“Don’t swat him anymore! Poor baby, just come out and get a spanking for being born!” Jo said.

The baby smiled as he heard her voice and turned his body towards her.

“Well one thing’s for sure he’s not deaf or mute, he knows your voice!” Dr. Sweet said laying him down on the table.

The nurse wrapped him in a receiving blanket then handed him to Jo.

“Look at our son Mack!” Jo said excitedly.

“Can we name him D’nard?” Mack asked.

“D’nard?” Jo asked with a weird look on her face.

Mack nodded yes staring into Jo’s eyes.

“Do you like D’nard?” Jo asked her son.

The baby looked at her with wide eyes still adjusting to being out of the womb.

“I think he likes it so D’nard it is. Happy Birthday D’nard. You are loved.” Jo said.

D’nard looked at his mother and began to calm down. He felt safe and secure. The nurse took D’nard out of his mother’s arms so that he could be weighed, bathed and printed. The nurses pushed Jo back into her room as Mack followed behind them.

“Do you think there is something wrong with our son, Jo?”

“No, I think he is the perfect blessing he was meant to be.”

“But he didn’t cry, Jo. He didn’t cry…”

“I know he didn’t cry. I was surprised too. Maybe his special gift from God is not to cry over trivial things.”

Mack leaned down and kissed Jo on her forehead. He had never thought of breathing as trivial. Breathing was an important part of life. How could it be thought of as trivial?

As D’nard went through his first year of life he displayed many unusually wonderful gifts. He had an inner peace that no one could touch. He sang gospel songs instead of gurgling. Jo played gospel music all the time. D’nard would rock from side to side and sing along with the music. The first time Jo noticed that her son sang she was checking on him in his playpen and she stood there watching him rock and sing. He knew all the words even though he couldn’t say them completely he could sing them.

“Thank you Jesus for blessing me with one of your angels.” Jo prayed.

D’nard rarely woke up in the middle of the night. He was content with everything that he had in his crib. Mack would check on him every night just before he went to bed and find D’nard sleeping with a peaceful smile on his face. D’nard was dry and his toys circled him as though in a ring of protection. Mack often wondered how D’nard managed to get his toys in a circle around his body. One night Mack walked into D’nard’s room and found him on his knees with his face into the mattress. Fearing that D’nard may smother himself he quickly walked over to the crib but stopped short of moving him. Mack heard D’nard praying.

“Wha…” Mack gasped quietly.

“Lord…Shepard…Jesus…Thanks…” D’nard said.

Mack quickly ran out of D’nard’s room and into his bedroom.

“Jo…Jo…” Mack rocked Jo trying to wake her up.

Jo sat up looking at Mack confused.

“What is it Mack?”

“I think D’nard is praying!” Mack said excitedly.

“I’m not surprised. He sings the gospel too.” Jo said sleepily.

“He’s only 1!”

“God has blessed our son Mack, D’nard is only praising him.”

Jo kissed Mack then lay back down. Mack swallowed hard at the thought. He walked back into D’nard’s room and saw a bright glowing light around D’nard’s crib. D’nard was lying on his stomach sleeping soundly. Mack fell to his knees and wept.

“Thank you Jesus for blessing me with D’nard for he is truly one of your special children.” Mack


D’nard was an easy child to take care of. He practically did everything himself. By the time he was 3 years old he could tie his own shoe, read a children’s book and dress himself. Jo thanked God everyday that she had a child that was so self sufficient. Jo would sit D’nard on her lap and read the bible to him. D’nard began to testify. Sometimes he would testify to things that would blow her mind. He was only 3 years old, how on earth could he know the things that he knew?

“Don’t worry mama, Jesus loves us.” D’nard comforted Jo.

D’nard began to have a following at Sunday school. There would be a small group of children in a circle and D’nard would teach passages from the bible. The same passages the grownups were reading D’nard was teaching to babies! The Sunday school teacher was amazed as she watched him teach. He seemed to know what he was preaching and managed to capture the attention of the children. The teacher could never manage to make the children sit for longer than 15 minutes at a time but D’nard could get them to sit for 30 minutes and teach them the Word of God.

“Just remember guys that God said that we have to do what our mama’s and daddies tell us to do.” D’nard preached.

“Yeah!” The children cheered.

During one of D’nard’s sermons the teacher pulled Jo and Mack into the classroom to watch. Jo began to cry as she watched D’nard teach. Mack was in shock. He remembered the night at the crib when he saw his son praying but this was over the top. This was truly a miracle!

When D’nard turned 10 years old Jo threw him a birthday party at the park. All of his friends and teachers from school were there. He was very popular. There were so many people Mack had the party catered. As D’nard was sitting in front of his mountain of birthday presents one of the caterer’s named Louis brought him a gift. D’nard looked up at him and smiled.

“I know you. I know you very well.” D’nard said confidently.

“No, you don’t know me. I just work parties and I’ve never worked any of yours.” Louis said nervously.

“You know who I am and that’s why you requested to work my party.” D’nard said smiling.

Jo became worried as she wandered towards D’nard.

“It’s ok mother. He will do no harm here. He is here to observe.” D’nard smiled at his mother.

“I’m sorry; I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was hired to work your party sir.” Louis attempted to sound convincing.

D’nard set his present down then stood up and put his left hand on Louis’ shoulder.

“Ladies and gentlemen I would like for you to meet Louis.” D’nard said.

“Hi Louis.” The crowd greeted.

“Don’t be afraid of Louis he is here to gather information today.” D’nard comforted the crowd.

Jo watched her son in awe as a bright bluish pink aura covered him. She heard a voice whisper to her.

“He is safe, don’t worry. Lessons must be learned.”

Jo instantly understood as she felt warmth and love encircle her.

“Ladies and gentlemen, could you please excuse me. I need to talk to Louis for a few minutes. Enjoy yourselves,” D’nard encouraged.

The crowd quickly left and found other activities to busy themselves with. D’nard grabbed Louis by the arm and pulled him to a bench behind a tree.

“I was wondering when you would show your face.” D’nard said.

“I’ve been around since the day you were born. I was in the delivery room,” Louis said.

“I am here to teach and heal. Your temptations are beyond me and you know that.”

“You are human; you can be tempted and turned.”

D’nard laughed at Louis.

“You would only see the outside cause you are damned! I am more than this human stature that you see. You will not have any effect on anyone who is here today for they are loved and protected.”

“I’m not here for any of them, I’m here for you.”

“Leave this party for you are not welcome.”

“Till next time.” Louis bowed in front of D’nard then walked into the horizon.

“Thank you father for showing me his human form. Thank you for giving me the strength and power to expel him. I praise your name. Thank you for your continued presence in my life and your many wonderful blessings in Jesus name, Amen,” D’nard prayed.

As D’nard became older he became blessed in the knowledge of the Word of God. He taught his fellow classmates the Word and helped them through many trials and tribulations that life had to offer. His parents knew nothing but joy and comfort as they raised him. Jo and Mack were blessed beyond their imaginations and they shared their blessings with their neighbors and friends. Every so often during turning points in D’nard’s life he would encounter Louis. At 16 Louis came into his life again. D’nard was sitting in his math class when he saw him.

“Thank you Jesus,” D’nard prayed as he smiled.

When the class was over the students filed out of class and Louis confronted D’nard at his desk.

“You grow stronger in the Word. I know the Word too! I know the wisdom that you refuse to teach your friends and followers. I will teach it to them,” Louis sneered.

“You know nothing but lies, Louis! My friends who listen to the Word know truth and know God. They don’t fear you. They are not tempted by you. You are nothing!! Go away for you are not wanted here,” D’nard brushed Louis off.

Louis stepped back and allowed D’nard passage. Louis tried his best to get next to D’nard’s friends but they paid him no mind often laughing as they walked away from him. Louis began to get impatient at his inability to rock D’nard’s world. Louis had a following all his own and swore that before D’nard’s life was over he would turn him. Louis sent Janet to D’nard to tempt him. Janet was a beautiful and intelligent young lady. She carried herself with poise and held her head up high with confidence. She found D’nard sitting in the quad alone reading his bible.

“What’s up D’nard?”

D’nard looked her up from her feet to her head. She was dressed in a short black skirt with pink heels and a pink form fitting sweater that enhanced her blossoming breasts. Her long red hair was tied up in a pony tail and her face was made up like a models. D’nard smiled at her as he closed his bible.

“Hello Janet, how are you today?”

“I’m good, just chillin’. Thought I would come here to see what you were gettin’ into.”

“Not too much, enjoying the warmth of the sun.”

“I was wondering if you had a date for Saturday nights dance.”

“No, I’m not going. I have something else to do.”

“You don’t want to go to the dance?”

“No, I’m going to my revival to teach. The music there is soothing and I would rather dance there. You are more than welcome to come if you want.”

“A revival?! I think not! C’mon D’nard, a dance would be much more fun than a silly old revival.”

D’nard smiled at Janet and put his hand on her shoulder. She felt an instant warmth flow all through her body. A love so intense it made her tremble.

“The dance is trivial but this revival is cleansing and uplifting. Won’t you come?”

Janet was confused. She felt loved, truly loved. For the first time in her life she felt clear. The earth moved for her.

“Yes, I will come. Thanks so much D’nard,” Janet lightly kissed D’nard on his cheek and walked away.

Louis was standing behind a tree watching the whole thing. As Janet kissed D’nard on the cheek he felt a sharp pain in his stomach and doubled over. D’nard looked towards him and nodded his head as if to greet him. Louis growled and walked away.

As D’nard went through high school he studied and received good grades. During lunch breaks he would teach his friends the Word. He attended some of the pep rallies and the school games. He didn’t have a girlfriend he had young ladies that admired his love and intensity in which he taught and listened. They found in other boys all they wanted was to go out and find ways to get into trouble. D’nard listened and he listened intently. This made some of the boys very jealous. Louis played on the jealousy of the boys and pitted them against D’nard often participating with small groups of boys who had gathered together to fight D’nard. After getting their plans together the boys decided to jump D’nard in the locker room. Louis got them all riled up and they were out for blood. D’nard was sitting in front of his locker gathering his books together when he looked up and found himself surrounded by a small gang. D’nard smiled and closed the door to his locker.

“What can I do for you guys?”

The boys didn’t say anything just hovered over him grunting.

“You don’t know any better, I get it. I know that you think you want to fight me but someone has planted untruths in your minds and you’ve got better things to do with your time,” D’nard looked into the eyes of one of the boys as he drew his fist back.

D’nard blew on him and the boy fell backward. D’nard then took in a deep breath and blew it out above his head creating a tornado like wind that surrounded all the boys that was around him. They all fell backwards onto the floor. D’nard stood up and smiled down at them.

“You all have been healed and touched by that hand of God. Stand up and receive the message that he has whispered to each of you and follow his guide. Louis is a liar. Recognize him for who his true nature is. You are loved and blessed.”

All the boys stood up and walked away each feeling a sense of accomplishment and love that they had never felt before in their young lives. Louis stood at the end of the lockers watching everything as it unfolded. D’nard looked him in the eyes and smiled. Louis pointed at him then walked away.

D’nard coasted through high school with honors and graduated top of his class. He enrolled in an Ivy League college to complete his studies in Theology and Philosophy. He had his own dorm room. He was a teachers’ aid and often taught when the teacher was in meetings. He also taught bible studies every Wednesday and Sunday evenings. He would find Louis in his Sunday classes every so often. During holidays and on special occasions D’nard would come home to visit his parents. D’nard came home for his 23rd birthday and found his mother lying on the couch sleeping. She was mumbling something in her sleep and seemed troubled. D’nard touched her and an instant smile crept across her face. She looked peaceful. Smiling to himself D’nard went to his bedroom to relax and that’s where he found Louis.

“Back again huh Louis?”

“It’s time for you to learn your lesson D’nard.”

“All lessons have been brought to me by God and I have served Him as best as I can. You have nothing to teach but lies. Be gone!”

“No, not this time D’nard. This time is MY time.”

D’nard laughed heartily.

“That’s right laugh. There is a time for all things and now is the time for you to leave this earth.”

D’nard turned towards the window and breathed in the fresh air. He then smiled and said, “Yes Lord.”

“There’s nothing He can do for you now D’nard. You are mine!” Louis said with authority.

D’nard laughed at Louis again.

“I was brought into this world a child of God. I shall always be a child of God. There is nothing that you could ever do to touch me or harm me in any way. God has carried me all the days of my life as He will continue to do so. In this last time and this last hour He is with me and will carry me home. Good bye Louis.”

D’nard then closed his eyes and his body fell to the floor. Louis was angry as he stood up and kicked D’nard’s body.

“Even in death he defeats me!” Louis exclaimed.

Jo heard a loud thump and woke up. She hurried into D’nard’s room to find him slumped on the floor with Louis standing above him. She was horrified. Immediately she jumped on Louis tackling him to the ground and began choking him. Jesus appeared in a bright light holding D’nard’s hand.

“Rise up my daughter. Your son has been my messenger through out his young life here on earth. I have brought him home for his work has been completed.”

Jo let go of Louis and rose up onto her knees and sobbed.

“My Savior, he was my only son. I knew you touched him at birth. I’m gonna miss him so. I love him.”

“He will be with you always. He has taught you how to love and love unconditionally. Continue on the path and keep your faith.”

Jesus took D’nard to heaven. Jo was surrounded by a brilliant light as Louis looked on. As Jo stood up she looked down at D’nard’s lifeless body.

“Get out, you are not welcome here,” She spoke between clenched teeth to Louis.

“I am eternal. There is no getting rid of me. I will always be in the background to tempt.”

“I have Jesus by my side. You don’t scare me or worry me for I am truly blessed.”

Louis disappeared from her sight. Jo kneeled down beside the body of her son and kissed him. A shroud of light encircled him and he disappeared before her.

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