Sunday, July 5, 2009


I think men are amazing. Especially when you meet the one that makes your heart beat that much faster when you meet them. Someone who listens when you talk, makes you feel wanted and needed. But what happens when those feelings are one sided (on either side of the fence). You find a man/woman that you really want to be involved with. Show them the bests parts of your heart, mind and soul. Then when it really boils down to it they don't want YOU!!

My favorite line from the men in my life is "You are beautiful Drea and you can have any man you want!" This is such bullshit! Think about this statement.... I'm so beautiful that I can have ANY man I want! ANY MAN I WANT??? If that's the case then why can't I have YOU? What's up with that?

Usually I cut men off at the knees because even though I find a man that I'm attracted to they ruin it by speaking! Sometimes the things that come out of a mans mouth are so bassackwards that I don't want to be bothered period. I can think of stupid stuff all on my own I don't need to hear it come out of a man's mouth. But, every so often I meet a man that intrigues my intellect as well as my eyes and my interest goes on a hunt. I become the Cougar (isn't that what they are calling women these days). I see something I want and I go after it full throttle. Sometimes I have to slow myself down because I forget that men like to do the chasing and don't always like an aggressive woman. I listen intently because I want to make sure that I hear everything that is going on. I want to make sure that I don't misunderstand anything that's going on or NOT going on for that matter. I know that I tend to take things to the extreme so I try to be real careful about the things I say and do. But, when I'm really into him sometimes those warnings go right out the window. I want to show him what kind of woman I can be, what I can offer and spoil him rotten.

Doesn't always work out for me though. I guess in a sense I come out overbearing. Even though I try to be attentive, attractive, thoughtful, considerate, understanding and a freak (lady in the street but a freak in the bed!) it doesn't work out for me. I get that same line "you can have any man you want". What a crock! Maybe I need to re-evaluate that sentence. Maybe I have to re-evaluate what it is I want. I've settled before in my life and it was hell so I refuse to settle anymore. I have a healthy appetite for life and I want to explore my options to the fullest extent. But someday I'll meet someone who will want me for me. Someday I'll stop trying to scare people away on purpose. Someday....

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