Thursday, July 23, 2009

Silence is Golden

Today's blog is going to be about why silence is golden. According to the dictionary this is what silence means:


1. absence of any sound or noise; stillness.

2. the state or fact of being silent; muteness.

3. absence or omission of mention, comment, or expressed concern.

4. the state of being forgotten; oblivion.

5. concealment; secrecy.

Bare with me folks there is a method to my madness!

When I was a child I used to talk way too much. So much to the point that no one would talk to me for fear that I would blab and tell the world what was said. As I grew older I learned the perfection of speaking with a soft voice and the wisdom of silence. Mama always taught me that if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all! Well there should be an addendum to that phrase. Something along the lines of "if you can't get people to listen then maybe what you're saying isn't working speaking PERIOD!"

For the longest time I stopped talking about a lot of things and just wrote them down to get them off my heart or I kept them inside. I don't like to hurt peoples feelings on purpose (unless you piss me off then the gloves come off and I just don't give a shit!). I work very hard to be conscientious, thoughtful and considerate of others sometimes to the point of loosing myself in the process. I try to treat others the way I want to be treated, doesn't always work but I try hard. In keeping things locked away and not talking about them I became very ill. Physically ill! So I began to talk and release some of the pressure of what I was going through.

I'm learning that talking isn't such a good thing anymore. I'm learning that I need to be SILENT. People don't listen anyway so why talk? I need to paint on a smile (because people can relate to that) and go on about my business and keep to myself and not bother people. No more talking because silence is golden!

Silence is golden
A proverbial saying, often used in circumstances where it is thought that saying nothing is preferable to speaking.

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